How to Write a Thesis Statement-assignmenthelpz

How to Write a Thesis Statement

A thesis statement is the main point of your paper and it usually starts out with a strong, declarative phrase that follows the words “According to.” This idea is then expanded on by explaining the phrase. A good thesis should demonstrate that you have thoroughly researched your topic and have reliable sources from which you can back up your claims.

Use these tips to help ensure your paper has a clear, concise thesis:

  • Start off with an imperative sentence, followed by an explanation that displays what inspired you personally about the topic.
  • Ensure that all your examples and sources back up your main point.
  • Ask yourself if what you learned from your research, or what inspired you, could be applied to an argument of some kind. Then explain how they fit together.
  • Finally, be sure that the paper itself proves that the thesis is correct by incorporating concrete facts throughout.
  • Keep in mind that the thesis is not a statement about what the topic is about, but rather the main point about it: why it’s important and why your reader should be interested in reading further.
  • Use direct quotes from your research to back up facts and information if necessary.
  • Don’t pad your paper with fluff or extra information to try and fit in more sources.
  • Be sure to cite your sources appropriately.
How to Create Authentic Writing Assignments For Students-Assignmenthelpz

Make sure that the reader can follow along with all your ideas and the examples you give.

  • Your thesis should not be too broad or too narrow, but somewhere in between. The ideal thesis hits on a single aspect of a much broader topic.

  • Ask yourself what parts of your topic are important to you, which parts inspired you, which parts do you know wholeheartedly are true? These are the key points to include in your thesis: what is directly relevant, interesting, and affecting about the topic. . . .

    the case for why you are writing about it.

  • Do not make your thesis vague or subjective in any way.

  • Work on your thesis statement first, then plan out the paper by collecting and organizing facts from as many sources as you can. This will make your paper flow more successfully and make it easier to write without fail. -Make sure that your ideas are all connected and thought-provoking for the reader. -Be sure to include information that proves your point is true, such as all of your research facts and examples or quotes from reliable sources demonstrating their validity. -There should always be a reason for your reader to care about what you are writing about. This makes your paper interesting to read and helps you get the point across more easily.

  • If you find yourself having trouble formulating a strong thesis statement, try brainstorming ideas with someone else. Discuss what sparked your interest in this topic, why you feel it’s so important, and how some of the facts that appear throughout relate to one another. Sometimes it can be very helpful to discuss things out loud because then they become more clear in your own mind.

  • Be sure to refer back to your thesis statement frequently throughout your paper.

  • Be sure to use a citation at the end of every quotation or fact you include in the paper. You can provide citations with many free tools on websites such as Microsoft Word, citing the author and page number or reference from which you drew your facts. -Remember that a thesis is not set in stone and it may need to be changed if new information arises that contradicts your original work or findings. This is okay, but try to make sure that any changes should be based on what has been learned instead of just personal opinion.

  • If you are unsure about something, don’t worry about being too wordy.

  • Don’t be afraid to elaborate on your thesis statement by adding more details about the main topic. -Do not needlessly add unnecessary facts that do not help in furthering your point.

  • Do not include anything in your paper without a purpose. Everything should be there for a reason and should be related to the thesis in some way. If it doesn’t help prove or support your point, then it shouldn’t be included at all.

    If you’ve decided whether you want to write a 5 paragraph vs 7 paragraph essay, the next step is choosing how complex you want to make your argument.

Introduction Paragraph

The introduction paragraph of a paper is its first paragraph. For a thesis statement , the introduction is usually no longer than three or four sentences and should create interest in your topic while beginning to inform the reader of its content. The thesis statement comes at the end of this introductory paragraph, after a conclusion that sums up your thoughts. You can also use this paragraph to state what type of paper you are writing, such as an essay, or report. In addition, the first sentence(s) of the body paragraphs should be linked to this introductory paragraph. This helps readers remember what they have just read and connects all parts of your essay together logically and coherently.

Thesis Statement

The thesis statement is the central idea of your paper. It states your argument in declarative form and should be more than a few sentences long. The thesis should have a strong, clear statement of what you are trying to accomplish with your paper, and should be backed up by relevant facts and quotes from sources. The thesis usually contains a question or riddle that explains the purpose of your essay. Your thesis statement appears at the end of your introduction paragraph and directly following your last paragraph in the body of your essay.

One Sentence Paragraph (Fewer Words)

If you are writing an essay, one-sentence paragraphs are sometimes helpful for analysis or summary statements.

Explanation Paragraph

The explanation paragraph brings your thesis statement to life. You do this by explaining and supporting your claims with quotes, examples, and even other facts. Your explanation paragraph should be a quick summary of the thesis that develops your thoughts further.

Conclusion Paragraph

The conclusion paragraph should include a final restatement of your thesis and wrap up any loose ends. This is the final sentence of the introduction. The following is an example: “In conclusion, we see that journalists sometimes get it wrong because they are overprotective.

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